Weekly Color Inspiration {Pools, Lakes, Parks…}

Green-Blue Essie Manicure by Miss Renaissance

{Lime green – Essie the more the merrier.  Teal – Essie Naughty nautical. Blue – Essie Bouncer, it’s me!}

Pools, Lakes, Picnics in Parks, the Beach…that’s what Summer’s made for! It looks like Essie got the hint, because all three of these fun colors are from the latest collections. I used them to create a loose ombre mix….and I like the result! It’s a perfect Summer mani, right?


Fantasy at the Opera

Opera Fantasy

Opera Fantasy

Opera House Chicago

Opera Fantasy by Miss Renaissance

Opera Fantasy by Miss Renaissance

Opera Fantasy by Miss Renaissance

Opera Fantasy by Miss Renaissance

Opera Fantasy by Miss Renaissance

What happens around 1am at the Chicago Lyric Opera House?! Well, normally not much….but the other night, a little dark & stormy fantasy played out at one of Chicago’s most beautiful landmarks.

I’ve long been a fan of Marie Antoinette as well as The Phantom of the Opera. I love the fantasy element of both and I adore playing dress-up (who doesn’t, really!?) So when I came across this beautiful Beth Bowley Gown at BHLDN, I knew my fantasy photo shoot finally had to happen! I totally improvised with my hair & makeup here, but I had long wanted to experiment with gold body paint to create an “opera length” illusion glove. What do you think? I kinda wish I could run around with an arm’s length of gold paint on a regular basis.

I hope you enjoyed getting lost in my little fantasy world for a few minutes. It doesn’t hurt to dream every now and then!

P.S.: This gown is now available for purchase (at a sweet discount) on my Vaunte page!


{Images by Seth Casteel}

Weekly Color Inspiration {Super Blingy}

Astrowifey's super bling manicure

This past weekend I attended a little party at one of my favorite Chicago Boutiques – Space 519….and as luck may have it, my babe Astrowifey was there giving super fun manicures using Jin Soon’s newest colors. I told her to go as creative as she wanted, and she majorly blinged me out with glitter, stripes and rose gold studs. Whatcha think?

The Jin Soon colors are beautiful and sophisticated, if you haven’t yet, you should check them out!


A few words…

DreamsOh, Lovelies….I’ve missed you guys, I really have!! My week-long meditation hiatus somehow turned into a 2-week absence. I hope you can forgive me. These things just happen from time-to-time I guess. You unplug, you travel, and before you know it weeks have gone by…

To be honest, I’ve been ready to come back to blogging for several days now, but then I suddenly suffered my first true bout of “Writers Block.”  I felt incredible pressure to write some epic story of my travels to Canada and my meditation retreat. Every time I sat down to write a post, I felt like I needed to detail the fun, the feelings, the experience…and words just wouldn’t appear. That’s classic writer’s block, right? (Thank goodness I’m not actually a writer!)

So, long story short, I finally realized there is no true pressure. My experience is personal and I can reveal as much or as little as I want. So let me say this – my trip was incredible. Deepak Chopra is an inspiring and wise soul. Whistler, BC is one of the most beautiful places on earth (a must visit – especially in the Summer!) And meditating in nature, detaching, going within and giving yourself permission to just “be” is a gift that all of us deserve from time to time. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself spiritual, religious, or neither, making time for yourself and refreshing your mind and soul in whatever way you please isn’t useless or selfish – it should be mandatory.

Life is precious and short, so live your dream and don’t settle for anything less!

I hope you can cut me a little slack while I get my blogging groove back.


Life’s A Journey

Pure Potential

Happy Friday, Lovelies! Are you excited for the weekend ahead? I definitely am! The much-anticipated Starving Artist Party is this Saturday (tickets are still available if you want to join the fun!), and Sunday has me getting on a plane to British Columbia, Canada for a week-long meditation retreat in the mountains of Whistler! I’ll be meditating & learning with like-minded spirits…all led by Deepak Chopra. I know I don’t normally share this side of my life here on the blog, but if you’ve ever been curious about meditation, you should give it a shot. It’s a life changing habit and Deepak Chopra is one of the true masters out there!

I’ll be using this upcoming week as a “digital detox” of sorts as well…so I’ll be taking a break from blogging for the week. Don’t miss me too much, k?! I’ll still be instagramming though (can’t quit that one), so follow my journey here if you’d like!

Have a wonderful week and a happy 4th of July!!