Currently Baking {Olive Clafoutis}

Renaissance Olive Clafoutis

Renaissance Olive Clafoutis

Renaissance Olive Clafoutis

Renaissance Olive Clafoutis

Renaissance Olive Clafoutis

When my good friends over at Said She Said He challenged me to make something delicious using Olives a few weeks back, I was immediately excited! Olives aren’t usually on my list of ingredients to bake with, but the idea of using them in a sweet recipe was intriguing.

During my research, I came across this unusual recipe and knew I had to give it a shot. What comes to mind when you think of Clafoutis? Cherries, perhaps? Or maybe stone fruit, like peaches or apricots? Traditionally, Clafoutis is a French dessert baked with whole black cherries – pits and all. Using a traditionally savory ingredient, such as Olives, in a normally sweet pastry sounded slightly absurd, but I thought it had the potential to be delicious.

Turns out it’s just that – delish! The poaching process takes a lot of the briney/salty elements from the Olives and replaces it with a slight sweetness that’s really interesting. Seriously, try it for yourself, your mind might just get blown a little!

P.S.: I decided to bake individual mini Clafoutis, but this recipe can also be baked in a bigger dish & served family style – what a perfect option for a weekend brunch, dontcha think?! 


{All Photos by Miss Renaissance.}